Entdecke die Akademie!

In einer Zeit, in der sich unsere Welt rasant und grundlegend verändert, steht die Akram Vignan Akademie bereit, dir Orientierung und Klarheit zu bieten.

Die Herausforderung annehmen
Inmitten dieser Umbrüche ist es entscheidend, Wege zu finden, um geistig gesund und lösungsorientiert zu bleiben, sei es in deinem persönlichen oder beruflichen Leben.

Wir verstehen die Schwierigkeiten, denen du begegnest – Unsicherheiten, Sorgen, Frustration und Angst. 

Akram Vignan: Dein Wegweiser
Diese Wissenschaft hilft dir, tiefen Frieden und Stabilität zu finden, selbst in den unvorhersehbarsten Zeiten. Sie hat sich weltweit bewährt und erreicht jetzt auch den Westen.

Seele, das größte Wunder dieser Welt
Seele, das größte Wunder dieser Welt

Seele: Das größte Wunder
Deshalb laden wir dich ein, unsere Website zu erkunden. Viele finden hier etwas Vertrautes, etwas, nach dem sie sich unbewusst gesehnt haben.

Fühlst du dich angesprochen?
Dann heißen wir dich herzlich willkommen in der Akram Vignan Akademie. Hier findest du Inspirationen von Dadashri, erleuchtende Satsangs, Energizer und vieles mehr, die dir täglich Kraft und Ausrichtung geben.

Umfassende Materialien und Unterstützung
Wir bieten eine Fülle an Materialien, Unterstützung und Anleitung. Du findest Lösungen für alltägliche Herausforderungen in Büchern, Videos und Satsangs, die dir helfen, Stress, Sorgen und Ängste loszulassen. Das Ergebnis ist eine neue Lebensfreude, Glück, Frieden und eine tiefe innere Ruhe.

Akram Vignan is a science that enables you to experience profound peace and stability amidst unpredictable and unexpected circumstances.

Testimonials - Experiences

Akram Vignan has given me everything I have always been looking for over many years, but could not find it anywhere! 

Peace in mind and heart.

A great feeling of freedom! 

Through Gnan my life received meaning and redemption of all suffering! I just have to stay on the stepless path, in the Five Agnas!

How much more could I ask for! Finally I have clear instructions and the view of the True Self! All the veils of ignorance are revealed and I experience more bliss and deep peace every day! 

Akram Vignan is a true blessing.

Kathrin M. 

Hotel management assistant

The Academy has helped me to better understand my life and to better accept situations that I cannot change. Through the Academy I was able to find the answers to questions that I could never answer myself.
My absolute favorite section in each module are the 'do it yourself-part', I always read them first. Here you will find answers to questions like: "How can you stop worries? How can you get rid of trouble? Or how do I deal with injustice?"
This section is like an immediate help for your worries and fears, for me it was and is a valuable treasure, like a first aid kit. Not only will your question be answered, but you will also receive practical instructions on how to do this in everyday life and suggestions for further questions that are closely related to your topic.
When I worry too much, need courage or feel lost, I fall back on it. As I read Dada's words, I feel my thoughts become calmer, the heavy feeling slowly dissolves and instead lightness spreads within me.

Nora R. 


The academy is informative, well structured, and has helped me to understand a lot of things better. In the academy, many emerging questions are answered automatically - understandable for everyone. 

I have always looked forward to the next module.  
Akram Vignan has made my life much easier by using the Five Agnas. Through this, there is always better understanding and much is seen.

Many mistakes are recognized, the veils really do fall since the gnan ceremony. Through pratikraman (divine apology) one can settle everything with equanimity. 

Akram Vignan is such a great science. 
Thanks to you, Dadashri - Jai Sat Chit Anand 

Ines S.

Retail saleswoman


Deine Reise des Wandels
Selbst ein kurzes Studium der Materialien auf unserer Website öffnet dir die Türen zu Veränderungen und neuen Möglichkeiten. Es ist ein Nach-Hause-Kommen, ein Ende deiner Suche.

Ent ecke dein wahres Selbst
Warum nicht das Wichtigste im Leben aus einer neuen Perspektive erkunden? Lerne das Wesen kennen, das dich auf deiner Lebensreise begleitet und ermächtigt – der Gnani Purush Dadashri.

Flexibles Online-Studium
Studiere bequem von zu Hause aus, mit wöchentlichen E-Mails jeden Samstag und Live-Web-Seminaren alle drei Wochen zur Vertiefung deines Verständnisses.

Nach-Hause kommen -

the search is over!!

Bereite dich auf die Gnan Vidhi Zeremonie vor
Unser Online-Lernprogramm ist die ideale Vorbereitung auf diese einzigartige Zeremonie. Registriere dich jetzt!

Unsere Online Akademie ist die ideale Vorbereitung auf diese einzigartige Gnan Vidhi Zeremonie. Registriere dich jetzt!                        

Akram Vignan - a world worth exploring!

Kind regards, Jai Sat Chit Anand, the Akram Vignan Team 


If you are touched or feel nudged by what you have read, then please feel invited to the AKRAM VIGNAN ACADEMY (free online study program).

Here you can read the inspiration from Dadashri, attend enlightening satsangs of the Gnanis, and hear the energizers that promise to give you strength and alignment every day.

There will be an abundance of materials, support, and guidance offered here. You will find an abundance of solutions for everyday difficulties conveyed in books, videos, and Satsang.

This guidance will show you how to let go of stress, worry and fear with certainty. The result is a new zest for life, happiness, peace, compassion, love and a deep inner calm that touches all near.

Even a short time spent studying what you feel drawn to on this web site will open you to change and new possibility.  

Coming Home
the search is over!!

Why not explore the most important thing in this life, the True Self from a perspective you more than likely have never considered.

This material will allow you to get to know the being that accompanies you on this journey called life, who empowers you and destroys all hindering veils - the Gnani Purush Dadashri.He leads you directly to your True Self!

You can study comfortably from home on your own schedule. You can study comfortably from home on your own schedule. You will receive an email once a week, on Saturdays, with videos, valuable texts, and clarification. Every 3 weeks there will be a live webinar (Satsang) to answer questions and deepen understanding.

This Online study program is the ideal preparation for the unique Gnan Vidhi ceremony - register now!

Akram Vignan - a world worth exploring!

Kind regards, Jai Sat Chit Anand, the Akram Vignan Team 

Akram Vignan ACADEMY

Register NOW for free!

Start today with the first Email-Module

Akram Vignan ACADEMY

Sign up NOW !

Start today with the first module

More Testimonials - Experiences

I had registered for the event in Willingen 2020. When the event had to be cancelled, I was very sad - a short time later the invitation for the Academy arrived. So I had access to a wide range of books, videos and study material. 

I found the additionally offered Zoom Meetings very valuable, in which all questions were answered, since many things were completely new to me, such as Pratikraman. I started to do Pratikraman and quickly felt how I became more peaceful and calm inside.
When the news came that the Gnan Vidhi will now take place online, my heart was full of joy and bliss. With the science of Akram Vignan everything is possible.
Jai Sat Chit Anand

Beate K.


The great gift from Akram Vignan to me! A study program that introduced me to the science of Akram Vignan. It is planned and created by mahatmas whose greatest joy it is when I attain salvation. And so is the spirit of the study program: inviting, motivating, and very, very much study material.

For my life Akram Vignan has become a turn-around, a return home - to the soul.

This constant inner longing, which has always made me search, has found the place where there is plenty of spiritual nourishment, e.g.: about understanding and recognizing the connections of life from a perspective that is so new and enlightening.

The many meetings about Zoom make me feel carried and enjoy the community of like-minded people.
Jai Sat Chit Anand

Sigrid S.


The Academy has given me great inspiration in my spiritual search. This simple possibility to access all information online was a wonderful introduction to this science for me. I was able to decide for myself when, how and how intensively I wanted to deal with it.

The Gnan Vidhi ceremony, which I also did online, has further changed my life in a positive way. My view on the things in life has changed and I feel from the inside, much less resistance or rejection. I don't mean that there are no more problems, but the effects feel different and I can deal with them in another way. I am happy that I have found this path for myself.
With love, Jai Sat Chit Anand

Karin B.


Simpel Und EasY


Find out when the next ZOOM LIVE WEBINARS
will take place.

Simpel Und EasY


Find out when the next ZOOM webinars will take place.